11 May Message from the CEO on the EU provisional anti-dumping duties
The 7th of May 2018 has been an important date that will mark a major turning point.
The European Commission for Trade has decided to apply provisional anti-dumping duties as part of the EU investigation, launched in August 2017, to the importation into the European Union of new and retreaded tyres for trucks and buses manufactured in China. This will be the first of the many effects of the anti-dumping investigation. We expect that, in July, a similar decision will be made on whether to apply further anti-subsidy duties.
The provisional measures implemented, as indicated in the Official Journal of the European Union 2018/683 of 4/5/2018, applied and payable as from 7 May 2018, envisage that the anti-dumping measure will have a total impact of between € 52,85 and € 82,17 per tyre, plus a possible decision on anti-subsidy duties in July.
This measure was expected as soon as registration, starting from 1 February 2018, of imports from China of all such products was imposed. The Commission’s final decision on the final level of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties will be taken by November 2018, with retroactive effect, still to be determined, from the date of registration of 1 February 2018.
As you know – since you have supported and encouraged us – Marangoni has consistently adopted a future-oriented approach based on circular economy, striving for fair competition on the European tyre and retreading market.
Once again, Marangoni would like to thank its customers and all the partners in our market who have contributed to achieving this significant result.
We see this date as a starting point and we feel the responsibility to develop and implement solutions in order to meet new, sustainable demands.
We look forward to staying in touch to keep you up to date. Thank you.
Best regards
Dino Maggioni
CEO Marangoni
Rovereto, 11th May 2018