For the Marangoni Group, growth is the result of a continuous process of research and development. By focusing on innovation and improvement, we have succeeded in developing leading edge technology that has revolutionised the tyre sector, in terms of quality and performance: from the production and retreading processes to the finished product – whether a new tyre or a retread.
Our Advanced Research and Development Centre, based in Rovereto, operates across all the Group’s business areas. Its task is to define the development guidelines for all of our market segments, including production of machinery for the tyre industry, development of retreading materials and technology, industrial-scale retreading of truck and earthmoving tyres and manufacturing of customised technical compounds.
In our sector, investment in research is fundamental, due to the speed of technological changes and the emergence of new needs. A prompt response to market demands, fast ideas and action, and above all advanced skills are also essential, as is the training of specialist personnel and a network of qualified sub-contractors.
The importance placed by Marangoni on innovation and research is clear to see. Examples of significant technological achievements resulting from the work done at our Advanced Research and Development Centre include:
RINGTREAD is the only retreading system that uses seamless precured rings that adhere to the casing without any tension or deformation of the tread pattern, ensuring excellent traction on demanding surfaces, thanks to the greater precision and directional stability of the siping and blocks. In addition, these tread-patterns are made using compounds suitable for low temperatures that ensure the best possible grip on typically tricky winter surfaces.
Find out more about the RINGTREAD retreading system
The main benefits achieved by using these special compounds are better rebound at low temperatures and at the same time reduced rolling resistance, meaning longer tread life in highly abrasive conditions. These compounds also allow the tyre to run at lower temperatures in operating conditions that normally cause overheating, ensuring reduced casing fatigue and longer life.
Constructed exclusively for the Rovereto plant, this production line manages the bead-to-bead tyre retreading process, fully automatically and flexibly. The system features four extruders served by an industrial robot.