Despite the difficult conditions of use, RINGTREAD has proven to be the
ideal product for our needs, since it offers the same level of performance and safety as the new premium tyres.
Global (Salcai Utinsa S.A.) has a team of nearly 800 employees and a fleet of more than 300 buses that travel 27 million kilometres a year, on the 120 routes covering the entire island. Several new generation buses have been recently added to the fleet, with enhanced engine power for driving on mountain roads.
Olegario Gonzalez Peña, Global’s Maintenance Manager, was satisfied with the performance of the RINGTREAD retreaded tyres: “Many of the routes our buses travel on are quite challenging, with numerous hairpin bends. Another factor influencing the tread wear rate is the presence on the tarmac of volcanic ash typically found in the Canary Islands. Thanks to the exceptional performance of the RINGTREAD BUS100 tread, Global has improved mileage performance by 15% compared to previous tyres.”
This success story is also the result of the partnership between Marangoni and Boleca, the retreading company that provides Global with all requested services, including tyre fleet management, which is an important aspect for public fleets.